Hear the Good News

Hear the Good News is an invitation to explore the central tenets of the Christian faith.

Each session will begin with a celebration of the Eucharist, which lies at the very heart of the Christian life. There’ll then be a short presentation followed an opportunity to ask questions over drinks and nibbles.

Although aimed at people who are new to the faith, or who have only a sketchy understanding of the principles of Christianity, these sessions will also act as a refresher for all the faithful.

The sessions are on Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th February at 6.30 pm at St Nicholas'.

Dates: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel

Chichester Diocese 2024 Walsingham Festival

Date: Saturday 28th September
Time: 10.30 am - 15.30 pm
Venue: Boxgrove Priory, The Street, Boxgrove, PO18 0ED

A day of Christian celebration during which we will explore how Mary’s words ‘My soul magnifies the Lord’ can and should have a part in our own lives today.

Outline of the day:

  • 10:30 Solemn Mass
    Celebrant: The Bishop of Lewes
    Preacher: Dcn Rebecca Swyer
  • 11:30 Tea and coffee
  • 12:00 Talk 1 - Magnifying the Lord - Why?
  • 12:45 Lunch - A light lunch will be served for which there will be no charge, but donations will be gratefully received.
  • 13:45 Talk 2 - Magnifyng the Lord - How?
  • 14:30 Healing ministries
  • 15:15 Benediction

For more information and/or to book your place visit www.trybooking.com/uk/DTEG or call Fr Chris Brading on 01243 641775

Portraits of Jesus

Date: Wednesday 15th & 22nd May, 5th & 12th June
Time: Drinks from 6.00 pm / Talk starts at 6.30 pm

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John bear witness to the ministry, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus. And yet, each Gospel portrays Jesus, along with his actions and words, a little differently. How are we to understand these differences?

The Gospels are best understood as an ancient Greek genre called bios, which means life. But whilst it’s true that the word biography comes from this term, the goal of the authors who employed this genre was to paint, as it were, a portrait of a person.

And so, just as a no two portraits of the same person are the same, with each artist seeking to draw out a different perspective, so it is with the Gospel writers. Each highlights certain themes that together make up their particular portrait of Jesus.

In a series of four talks, Fr David introduces the origins and main themes of these four 'portraits' which, when taken together, give a vivid picture of Jesus of Nazareth – a figure who changed the course of world history.