The Arundel Corbels and a Royal Connection

It is quite likely that Henry Yevele was the lead mason planning and managing the construction of St Nicholas’ Church at the end of the 14th Century. He was a loyal and long trusted employee of Edward III and would frequently have met the 3rd and 4th Fitzalan Earl at Court.

Edward III and his wife, Queen Philippa are buried in Westminster Abbey and effigies of them both were placed on their tomb. Henry Yevele supervised this work. He also supervised construction of tomb figures for the 3rd Fizalan Earl and his wife soon after 1376.

The most western corbels in the church present a strong stone likeness of the figures on the Westminster Abbey tomb of King and Queen. So, could it be that two of the corbels in St Nicholas' pay homage to Edward III and Queen Philippa? The evidence certainly points in that direction.

Conserving and Sharing a Rich Heritage

For more than a decade, St Nicholas’ Parochial Church Council (PCC) has worked on an ambitious conservation programme. This has included repairs to the tower walls, rainwater goods, the church's

fine ring of bells, a complete restoration of the north aisle roof and a number of other essential repairs. Alongside this important restoration work, the PCC has stabilised the church's  medieval wall paintings ahead of further restoration work.

To date over £1 million pounds has been spent preserving Arundel's medieval parish church for future generations to enjoy and treasure. About a third of the money has been raised from within the
Parish, greatly assisted by The Friends of St Nicholas’ Church and Sussex Historic Churches Trust. The remaining funding has come from grants provided by Historic England and subsequently the National
Lottery Heritage Fund.

Work still to be undertaken

There are at least two more essential and major projects to complete, repairing the south aisle roof and the west window. In total, these will cost in the region of another £1 million. To fund this the PCC will need to secure more grants and raise at least half of this sum. Each phase of work normally takes at least two years to move through all the planning and completion phases.

Until all this work is completed, the building remains, as assessed by Historic England, very much ‘at risk’.

You can support this work by giving a one-off donation or make regular donations by joining the Parish Giving Scheme. You could also become a Friend of St Nicholas’ Church.

Sharing Heritage

In June 2022 there was a major exhibition to share a wide range of information about the church and the town of Arundel. Research for the exhibition uncovered new information about the history of the church. For example, it led to an intriguing hypothesis that two of the church's corbels have a royal connection.

St Nicholas' helps children understand and appreciate their local heritage through a variety of educational visits.

Ride & Stride 2024

Teams from St Nicholas, St Leonard's and St Mary Magdalene in Tortington took part in this year's Ride & Stride.

Their combined efforts raised around £2500. This will go towards our local churches and Sussex Historic Churches Trust.

Team St Leonard’s Ride & Stride 2024

Sussex Historic Churches Ride & Stride 2024 (St Leonard's)
Saturday 14th September

A small team from St. Leonard’s Church, South Stoke will take part in this year’s Ride & Stride in order to raise funds both for St. Leonard’s Church and Sussex Historic Churches Trust. 50 per cent going to each.

Colin and Mark aim to visit, by car, 30 plus churches in the area, starting out at St. Leonard’s Church.

If you’d like to sponsor “Team St. Leonard’s”, please go to the Just Giving Page

Many Thanks for Your Support

Team Arundel Ride & Stride 2024

Sussex Historic Churches Ride & Stride 2024 (St Nicholas')
Saturday 14th September

Fr David and Fr Tim are taking part in Sussex Historic Churches Annual Ride and Stride in support of Sussex's historic churches and St Nicholas' Arundel.

Setting off from the ancient church of Boxgrove Priory, they will walk along Stane Street to the top of Bignor Hill, before descending the steep slopes of the South Downs to the little church of Holy Cross Bignor - a total of about 9 miles and a climb of around 550 feet.

Half the money raised will go to Sussex Historic Churches Trust and the other half will go towards the restoration of St Nicholas'.

Please use the link below to sponsor them or contact the Parish Office.

Summer Fete

St Nicholas' annual summer fete was on Saturday 29th June.

The fete was opened by Lord Henry, Earl of Arundel, and songs by Arundel CE School.

People from across the parish and visitors to the town all enjoyed a day of fun, music, bargains and food. It was a happy, even joyful occasion, full of sunshine and smiles.

Early indications suggest that the fete raised around £10,000 towards the running and upkeep of Arundel's parish church.

Ordination of Timothy Newton

Timothy Newton was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Lewes in a moving service at St Nicholas' on Sunday 23rd June.

It is a joy to welcome Fr Tim along with his wife, Stephanie, and children Winnie and Rupert to the parishes.

Fr Tim, who's originally from Queensland, spent some time as an opera singer, including a year singing for Deutsche Oper as a young artist, before moving to St Stephen's House Oxford to train for ordination.

He will serve as assistant curate in the parishes of Arundel with Tortington and South Stoke.