News & Events

Hear the Good News

Hear the Good News is an invitation to explore the central tenets of the Christian faith. Each session will begin with a celebration of the Eucharist, which lies at the very heart of the Christian life. There’ll then be a short presentation followed an opportunity to ask questions over drinks and nibbles. Although aimed at... Continue reading

Friends of St Nicholas 100 Club

A great way to help maintain and restore Arundel's Grade 1 Listed parish church is to join the Friends of St Nicholas 100 Club. The 100 Club raises funds based on regular giving from up to 100 people. All monies raised are ring fenced so that the profit from the scheme can only be used... Continue reading

Conserving and Sharing a Rich Heritage

For more than a decade, St Nicholas’ Parochial Church Council (PCC) has worked on an ambitious conservation programme. This has included repairs to the tower walls, rainwater goods, the church's fine ring of bells, a complete restoration of the north aisle roof and a number of other essential repairs. Alongside this important restoration work, the PCC has... Continue reading

Ride & Stride 2024

Teams from St Nicholas, St Leonard's and St Mary Magdalene in Tortington took part in this year's Ride & Stride. Their combined efforts raised around £2500. This will go towards our local churches and Sussex Historic Churches Trust.

Summer Fete

St Nicholas' annual summer fete was on Saturday 29th June. The fete was opened by Lord Henry, Earl of Arundel, and songs by Arundel CE School. People from across the parish and visitors to the town all enjoyed a day of fun, music, bargains and food. It was a happy, even joyful occasion, full of... Continue reading

Ordination of Timothy Newton

Timothy Newton was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Lewes in a moving service at St Nicholas' on Sunday 23rd June. It is a joy to welcome Fr Tim along with his wife, Stephanie, and children Winnie and Rupert to the parishes. Fr Tim, who's originally from Queensland, spent some time as an opera singer,... Continue reading