Ordination of Timothy Newton

Timothy Newton was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Lewes in a moving service at St Nicholas' on Sunday 23rd June.

It is a joy to welcome Fr Tim along with his wife, Stephanie, and children Winnie and Rupert to the parishes.

Fr Tim, who's originally from Queensland, spent some time as an opera singer, including a year singing for Deutsche Oper as a young artist, before moving to St Stephen's House Oxford to train for ordination.

He will serve as assistant curate in the parishes of Arundel with Tortington and South Stoke.

Voices from the Centuries

Date: Sunday 18th August
Time: 5.00 pm
Venue: St Leonard's South Stoke

The Friends of St Leonard's present a collage of readings and histories, travelling into the past of one downland hamlet, with Writer and Historian, Alexandra Harris, author of “Weatherland” and now the acclaimed “The Rising Down”

Tickets cost £15 and include entry and a drinks reception.