
Christian marriage is an intimate union of love between a man and a woman established by God in creation. Unlike secular marriage, this union isn't a social construction but an image in creation of God's love for his people. In the Bible, Jesus, the Son of God, is the bridegroom who comes to 'marry' his bride, the Church — the people of God. Through this communion of bridegroom and bride the people of God participate in God's divine life.

Marriage is also about creation. God gave us life, but throughout our life his creative love is still at work in us. And so the relationship of husband and wife is also creative, growing in love and orientated toward bringing new life into the world.

By choosing to be married in church a couple acknowledges that their marriage isn't merely a legal agreement but rather a creative, mystical union between a man and a woman that touches upon the divine.

Having said that, our lives are necessarily lived in the here and now, and so it is that by getting married in church and exchanging solemn vows before God a couple seeks God’s blessing and grace for the journey that lies ahead of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Marriage Application form

You may submit your marriage application form online.

Banns of Marriage Application Form

If you live in either the parish of St Nicholas Arundel or St Leonard's South Stoke but are getting married in another Church of England parish, you will need to arrange for your banns of marriage to be read in our churches. You can submit your application to us by completing the online form. Please note that there is a statutory fee for the calling of banns of marriage.