
We rely on your support

St Nicholas' relies entirely on the generosity of our congregation, friends and visitors for the continuing ministry, upkeep and repair of our historic church.

Contrary to what is often assumed, we do not receive any financial support from either the Church of England or the Diocese of Chichester. Indeed, together with all other parishes, we have to contribute financially to the running of the diocese and the Church of England.

It costs about £450 a day to keep the church open, and that's excluding all the major repairs that are currently needed. Any help, large or small, makes a very real difference!

To make a one-off donation please use one of the links below.

Alternatively, if you live in the UK and would like to support St Nicholas' regularly, by far the best way is to join the Parish Giving Scheme. This simple, tax-efficient scheme allows you to increase your donation each year in line with inflation. It also adds Gift Aid to your donation making your gift even more valuable. It’s easy to join and you are in complete control – you can change the amount of your donation, decline the inflation increase if you checked this option, or cancel your donation completely at any time.