St Nicholas' Choir

St Nicholas Choir is a sociable, friendly group who sing on a voluntary basis every Sunday at the 10 am Sung Eucharist, leading the congregation in hymns and the Mass setting and singing an anthem after Communion.

The choir also sings Evensong on the first Sunday of the month which aims to include different settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, a psalm to plainsong or Anglican chant, sung Responses and an anthem. The choir will sing a special Mass setting (such as Mass for four voices – Byrd and Communion Service in F – Sumsion) for certain occasions in the Church’s Year, including Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Ascension Day. There is an Advent Carol Service on Advent Sunday and a Nine Lessons and Carols shortly before Christmas.

Choir practice is every Friday from 6.45 - 8.30 pm.

We are an all-age, SATB choir with some competent and enthusiastic singers but would like to welcome more, including families and more young people.

We have built up a good repertoire of anthems in many different styles, some examples being: Cantique de Jean Racine – Faure, Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester – L.J. White, The Peace of God – Rutter, Ave Maria – Arcadelt, If ye love me – Tallis, Christ has no body now but yours – David Ogden, Ave Verum - Mozart and many more.

The Musical Director, Sarah Plumley, asks anyone interested to have a chat and an informal audition, consisting of singing a favourite hymn, and a harmony part if you are an alto, tenor or bass. Some music reading ability is really useful of course but what is more important is enthusiasm, commitment and a desire to work at the music, particularly with anything unfamiliar. Sarah is normally free to talk after the Sunday morning service or you may send her an email.