Link to a Day in the Life of a Vicar

A Day in the Life of a Vicar

The Friends of St. Nicholas & The Friends of St. Leonard’s are Proud To Present:

“A Day In The Life Of A Vicar”
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly !

Fr Andrew Wadsworth shares his many amusing and challenging experiences of 38 years of ministry in parishes in Sussex, Shropshire, Devon, and Warwickshire.

Saturday April 26th at 3pm at St Nicholas' Church.

Followed by Refreshments.

Tickets £10 from the Parish Office

Email or Telephone the Parish Office (Tuesday to Friday 10am -2pm) or Book Online.

All funds raised will go towards the repair and restoration of St Nicholas' and St Leonard's.

Date: Saturday 26th April
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel

Hear the Good News

Hear the Good News is an invitation to explore the central tenets of the Christian faith.

Each session will begin with a celebration of the Eucharist, which lies at the very heart of the Christian life. There’ll then be a short presentation followed an opportunity to ask questions over drinks and nibbles.

Although aimed at people who are new to the faith, or who have only a sketchy understanding of the principles of Christianity, these sessions will also act as a refresher for all the faithful.

The sessions are on Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th February at 6.30 pm at St Nicholas'.

Dates: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel

Christmas Services

Be it this Christmastide our care and delight to hear again the message of the angels, and in heart and mind to go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass, and the Babe lying in a manger.

You are most welcome to join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. There are a variety of services in our churches, including

  • Sunday 15th December at 4:00 pm: Tortington Carol Service at St Mary's Tortington
  • Sunday 22nd December at 6:00 pm: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at St Nicholas' Arundel
  • Christmas Eve at 4:30 pm: Crib Service at St Nicholas' Arundel - a Christmas Eve Service for the young and young-at-heart
  • Christmas Eve at 6:00 pm: Carol Service at St Leonard's South Stoke
  • Christmas Eve at 11:00 pm: Midnight Mass at St Nicholas' Arundel
  • Christmas Day at 8:00 am: Holy Communion for Christmas Day at St Nicholas' Arundel
  • Christmas Day at 9:00 am: Mass of the Nativity at St Leonard's South Stoke
  • Christmas Day at 10:00 am: Sung Mas of the Nativity at St Nicholas' Arundel

Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

The annual service of Nine Lessons and Carols has become one of our great Christmas traditions.

Its origins lie in the 1880s, but it came to prominence in 1918 when the Dean of King's College, Cambridge, Eric Milner-White, put together a service of lessons and carols to lift the spirits of the college following the dark and harrowing years of the First World War.

St Nicholas' annual carol service follows Milner-White's traditional format.  Through the singing of joyful carols and the timeless words of sacred scripture, the service recounts the wondrous story of the birth of our Lord.

Date: Sunday 22nd December
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel

Advent Carol Service

A special service of readings and carols for Advent.

As we begin the Church's season of preparation for Christmas we focus both on the Advent message of hope and the fulfilment of God’s promises in the birth of Christ.

Date: Sunday 1st December
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel

Friends of St Nicholas 100 Club

A great way to help maintain and restore Arundel's Grade 1 Listed parish church is to join the Friends of St Nicholas 100 Club.

The 100 Club raises funds based on regular giving from up to 100 people. All monies raised are ring fenced so that the profit from the scheme can only be used to restore or maintain the fabric of the church.

It works like this:
The Club recruits up to 100 people paying £10 per month.
Each quarter prizes of £50, £100 and £250 are drawn and distributed to the lucky winners.
These draws take place at the end of March, June, September and December.
So it operates like the premium bonds but the chances of winning are much, much greater!

So, what's stopping you? Join today!

It's quick and easy to become a member of the 100 Club. Simply follow these two steps:

  1. Set up a monthly £10 standing order using your banking app payable to:
    Friends of St Nicholas Church Arundel
    Account Number: 00254119
    Sort Code: 30-95-09
  1. Send us your details by clicking on the Personal Details link below. We'll then enter your name into the quarterly draw and let you know if you win.

The Arundel Corbels and a Royal Connection

It is quite likely that Henry Yevele was the lead mason planning and managing the construction of St Nicholas’ Church at the end of the 14th Century. He was a loyal and long trusted employee of Edward III and would frequently have met the 3rd and 4th Fitzalan Earl at Court.

Edward III and his wife, Queen Philippa are buried in Westminster Abbey and effigies of them both were placed on their tomb. Henry Yevele supervised this work. He also supervised construction of tomb figures for the 3rd Fizalan Earl and his wife soon after 1376.

The most western corbels in the church present a strong stone likeness of the figures on the Westminster Abbey tomb of King and Queen. So, could it be that two of the corbels in St Nicholas' pay homage to Edward III and Queen Philippa? The evidence certainly points in that direction.

Below you can see an image of all the corbels in the nave at St Nicholas'.

High Resolution Images

Link to Restoration and Conservation

Conserving and Sharing a Rich Heritage

For more than a decade, St Nicholas’ Parochial Church Council (PCC) has worked on an ambitious conservation programme. This has included repairs to the tower walls, rainwater goods, the church's

fine ring of bells, a complete restoration of the north aisle roof and a number of other essential repairs. Alongside this important restoration work, the PCC has stabilised the church's  medieval wall paintings ahead of further restoration work.

To date over £1 million pounds has been spent preserving Arundel's medieval parish church for future generations to enjoy and treasure. About a third of the money has been raised from within the
Parish, greatly assisted by The Friends of St Nicholas’ Church and Sussex Historic Churches Trust. The remaining funding has come from grants provided by Historic England and subsequently the National
Lottery Heritage Fund.

Work still to be undertaken

There are at least two more essential and major projects to complete, repairing the south aisle roof and the west window. In total, these will cost in the region of another £1 million. To fund this the PCC will need to secure more grants and raise at least half of this sum. Each phase of work normally takes at least two years to move through all the planning and completion phases.

Until all this work is completed, the building remains, as assessed by Historic England, very much ‘at risk’.

You can support this work by giving a one-off donation or make regular donations by joining the Parish Giving Scheme. You could also become a Friend of St Nicholas’ Church.

Sharing Heritage

In June 2022 there was a major exhibition to share a wide range of information about the church and the town of Arundel. Research for the exhibition uncovered new information about the history of the church. For example, it led to an intriguing hypothesis that two of the church's corbels have a royal connection.

St Nicholas' helps children understand and appreciate their local heritage through a variety of educational visits.

All Souls

This year we keep All Souls on Friday 1st November.

The observance of All Souls became universal through the influence of Odilo of Cluny, who in 998 commanded its annual celebration in the Benedictine houses under his care.

It's an opportunity for faithful Christians on earth to honour the faithful departed and hold them in love and prayer before God.

If you would like someone remembered by name at this year's All Souls' Requiem, please contact the parish office.

Date: Friday 1st November
Time: 7.00 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel

Carols Through the Ages

The Friends of St Nicholas present Carols Through the Ages

Was Wenceslas really a King? – and was he good?
Why is it called the Sussex Carol?
What is a Carol?
Which Carol is the oldest?

Come and find out on Saturday 7th December at 6.30pm

Fabulous music and a fabulous story
Young person’s quizzes/puzzles
Candlelight – Mince Pies – Bar

Tickets £10 (under 16s free)

Date: Saturday 7th December
Time: 6.30 pm
Venue: St Nicholas Arundel